Source code for tkfontchooser

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
tkFontChooser - Font chooser for Tkinter
Copyright 2016-2017 Juliette Monsel <>

tkFontChooser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

tkFontChooser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

    from tkinter import Toplevel, Listbox, StringVar, BooleanVar, TclError
    from tkinter.ttk import Checkbutton, Frame, Label, Button, Scrollbar, Style, Entry
    from tkinter.font import families, Font
except ImportError:
    from Tkinter import Toplevel, Listbox, StringVar, BooleanVar
    from ttk import Checkbutton, Frame, Label, Button, Scrollbar, Style, Entry
    from tkFont import families, Font

from locale import getdefaultlocale

__version__ = "2.0.2"

# --- translation
EN = {"Cancel": "Cancel", "Bold": "Bold", "Italic": "Italic",
      "Underline": "Underline", "Overstrike": "Strikethrough"}
FR = {"Cancel": "Annuler", "Bold": "Gras", "Italic": "Italique",
      "Underline": "Souligné", "Overstrike": "Barré"}
IT = {"Cancel": "Annulla", "Bold": "Grassetto", "Italic": "Corsivo",
      "Underline": "Sottolineato", "Overstrike": "Barrato"}
RU = {"Cancel": "Отмена", "Bold": "Полужирный", "Italic": "Курсив",
      "Underline": "Подчеркнутый", "Overstrike": "Зачеркнутый"}
LANGUAGES = {"fr": FR, "en": EN, "it": IT, "ru": RU}

    lang_code = getdefaultlocale()[0][:2]
    if lang_code in LANGUAGES:
        TR = LANGUAGES[lang_code]
        TR = LANGUAGES["en"]

except ValueError:
    TR = LANGUAGES["en"]

# --- FontChooser class
[docs]class FontChooser(Toplevel): """Font chooser dialog."""
[docs] def __init__(self, master, font_dict={}, text="Abcd", title="Font Chooser", **kwargs): """ Create a new FontChooser instance. Arguments: master : Tk or Toplevel instance master window font_dict : dict dictionnary, like the one returned by the ``actual`` method of a ``Font`` object: :: {'family': str, 'size': int, 'weight': 'bold'/'normal', 'slant': 'italic'/'roman', 'underline': bool, 'overstrike': bool} text : str text to be displayed in the preview label title : str window title kwargs : dict additional keyword arguments to be passed to ``Toplevel.__init__`` """ Toplevel.__init__(self, master, **kwargs) self.title(title) self.resizable(False, False) self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.quit) self._validate_family = self.register(self.validate_font_family) self._validate_size = self.register(self.validate_font_size) # --- variable storing the chosen font self.res = "" style = Style(self) style.configure("prev.TLabel", background="white") bg = style.lookup("TLabel", "background") self.configure(bg=bg) # --- family list self.fonts = list(set(families())) self.fonts.append("TkDefaultFont") self.fonts.sort() for i in range(len(self.fonts)): self.fonts[i] = self.fonts[i].replace(" ", "\ ") max_length = int(2.5 * max([len(font) for font in self.fonts])) // 3 self.sizes = ["%i" % i for i in (list(range(6, 17)) + list(range(18, 32, 2)))] # --- font default font_dict["weight"] = font_dict.get("weight", "normal") font_dict["slant"] = font_dict.get("slant", "roman") font_dict["underline"] = font_dict.get("underline", False) font_dict["overstrike"] = font_dict.get("overstrike", False) font_dict["family"] = font_dict.get("family", self.fonts[0].replace('\ ', ' ')) font_dict["size"] = font_dict.get("size", 10) # --- creation of the widgets # ------ style parameters (bold, italic ...) options_frame = Frame(self, relief='groove', borderwidth=2) self.font_family = StringVar(self, " ".join(self.fonts)) self.font_size = StringVar(self, " ".join(self.sizes)) self.var_bold = BooleanVar(self, font_dict["weight"] == "bold") b_bold = Checkbutton(options_frame, text=TR["Bold"], command=self.toggle_bold, variable=self.var_bold) b_bold.grid(row=0, sticky="w", padx=4, pady=(4, 2)) self.var_italic = BooleanVar(self, font_dict["slant"] == "italic") b_italic = Checkbutton(options_frame, text=TR["Italic"], command=self.toggle_italic, variable=self.var_italic) b_italic.grid(row=1, sticky="w", padx=4, pady=2) self.var_underline = BooleanVar(self, font_dict["underline"]) b_underline = Checkbutton(options_frame, text=TR["Underline"], command=self.toggle_underline, variable=self.var_underline) b_underline.grid(row=2, sticky="w", padx=4, pady=2) self.var_overstrike = BooleanVar(self, font_dict["overstrike"]) b_overstrike = Checkbutton(options_frame, text=TR["Overstrike"], variable=self.var_overstrike, command=self.toggle_overstrike) b_overstrike.grid(row=3, sticky="w", padx=4, pady=(2, 4)) # ------ Size and family self.var_size = StringVar(self) self.entry_family = Entry(self, width=max_length, validate="key", validatecommand=(self._validate_family, "%d", "%S", "%i", "%s", "%V")) self.entry_size = Entry(self, width=4, validate="key", textvariable=self.var_size, validatecommand=(self._validate_size, "%d", "%P", "%V")) self.list_family = Listbox(self, selectmode="browse", listvariable=self.font_family, highlightthickness=0, exportselection=False, width=max_length) self.list_size = Listbox(self, selectmode="browse", listvariable=self.font_size, highlightthickness=0, exportselection=False, width=4) scroll_family = Scrollbar(self, orient='vertical', command=self.list_family.yview) scroll_size = Scrollbar(self, orient='vertical', command=self.list_size.yview) self.preview_font = Font(self, **font_dict) if len(text) > 30: text = text[:30] self.preview = Label(self, relief="groove", style="prev.TLabel", text=text, font=self.preview_font, anchor="center") # --- widget configuration self.list_family.configure(yscrollcommand=scroll_family.set) self.list_size.configure(yscrollcommand=scroll_size.set) self.entry_family.insert(0, font_dict["family"]) self.entry_family.selection_clear() self.entry_family.icursor("end") self.entry_size.insert(0, font_dict["size"]) try: i = self.fonts.index(self.entry_family.get().replace(" ", "\ ")) except ValueError: # unknown font i = 0 self.list_family.selection_clear(0, "end") self.list_family.selection_set(i) self.list_family.see(i) try: i = self.sizes.index(self.entry_size.get()) self.list_size.selection_clear(0, "end") self.list_size.selection_set(i) self.list_size.see(i) except ValueError: # size not in list pass self.entry_family.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="ew", pady=(10, 1), padx=(10, 0)) self.entry_size.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky="ew", pady=(10, 1), padx=(10, 0)) self.list_family.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky="nsew", pady=(1, 10), padx=(10, 0)) self.list_size.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky="nsew", pady=(1, 10), padx=(10, 0)) scroll_family.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='ns', pady=(1, 10)) scroll_size.grid(row=1, column=3, sticky='ns', pady=(1, 10)) options_frame.grid(row=0, column=4, rowspan=2, padx=10, pady=10, ipadx=10) self.preview.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=5, sticky="eswn", padx=10, pady=(0, 10), ipadx=4, ipady=4) button_frame = Frame(self) button_frame.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=5, pady=(0, 10), padx=10) Button(button_frame, text="Ok", command=self.ok).grid(row=0, column=0, padx=4, sticky='ew') Button(button_frame, text=TR["Cancel"], command=self.quit).grid(row=0, column=1, padx=4, sticky='ew') self.list_family.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', self.update_entry_family) self.list_size.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', self.update_entry_size, add=True) self.list_family.bind("<KeyPress>", self.keypress) self.entry_family.bind("<Return>", self.change_font_family) self.entry_family.bind("<Tab>", self.entry_size.bind("<Return>", self.change_font_size) self.entry_family.bind("<Down>", self.down_family) self.entry_size.bind("<Down>", self.down_size) self.entry_family.bind("<Up>", self.up_family) self.entry_size.bind("<Up>", self.up_size) # bind Ctrl+A to select all instead of go to beginning self.bind_class("TEntry", "<Control-a>", self.select_all) self.wait_visibility(self) self.grab_set() self.entry_family.focus_set() self.lift()
def select_all(self, event): """Select all entry content.""" event.widget.selection_range(0, "end") def keypress(self, event): """Select the first font whose name begin by the key pressed.""" key = event.char.lower() l = [i for i in self.fonts if i[0].lower() == key] if l: i = self.fonts.index(l[0]) self.list_family.selection_clear(0, "end") self.list_family.selection_set(i) self.list_family.see(i) self.update_entry_family() def up_family(self, event): """Navigate in the family listbox with up key.""" try: i = self.list_family.curselection()[0] self.list_family.selection_clear(0, "end") if i <= 0: i = len(self.fonts) self.list_family.see(i - 1) self.list_family.select_set(i - 1) except TclError: self.list_family.selection_clear(0, "end") i = len(self.fonts) self.list_family.see(i - 1) self.list_family.select_set(i - 1) self.list_family.event_generate('<<ListboxSelect>>') def up_size(self, event): """Navigate in the size listbox with up key.""" try: s = self.var_size.get() if s in self.sizes: i = self.sizes.index(s) elif s: sizes = list(self.sizes) sizes.append(s) sizes.sort(key=lambda x: int(x)) i = sizes.index(s) else: i = 0 self.list_size.selection_clear(0, "end") if i <= 0: i = len(self.sizes) self.list_size.see(i - 1) self.list_size.select_set(i - 1) except TclError: i = len(self.sizes) self.list_size.see(i - 1) self.list_size.select_set(i - 1) self.list_size.event_generate('<<ListboxSelect>>') def down_family(self, event): """Navigate in the family listbox with down key.""" try: i = self.list_family.curselection()[0] self.list_family.selection_clear(0, "end") if i >= len(self.fonts): i = -1 self.list_family.see(i + 1) self.list_family.select_set(i + 1) except TclError: self.list_family.selection_clear(0, "end") self.list_family.see(0) self.list_family.select_set(0) self.list_family.event_generate('<<ListboxSelect>>') def down_size(self, event): """Navigate in the size listbox with down key.""" try: s = self.var_size.get() if s in self.sizes: i = self.sizes.index(s) elif s: sizes = list(self.sizes) sizes.append(s) sizes.sort(key=lambda x: int(x)) i = sizes.index(s) - 1 else: s = len(self.sizes) - 1 self.list_size.selection_clear(0, "end") if i < len(self.sizes) - 1: self.list_size.selection_set(i + 1) self.list_size.see(i + 1) else: self.list_size.see(0) self.list_size.select_set(0) except TclError: self.list_size.selection_set(0) self.list_size.event_generate('<<ListboxSelect>>') def toggle_bold(self): """Update font preview weight.""" b = self.var_bold.get() self.preview_font.configure(weight=["normal", "bold"][b]) def toggle_italic(self): """Update font preview slant.""" b = self.var_italic.get() self.preview_font.configure(slant=["roman", "italic"][b]) def toggle_underline(self): """Update font preview underline.""" b = self.var_underline.get() self.preview_font.configure(underline=b) def toggle_overstrike(self): """Update font preview overstrike.""" b = self.var_overstrike.get() self.preview_font.configure(overstrike=b) def change_font_family(self, event=None): """Update font preview family.""" family = self.entry_family.get() if family.replace(" ", "\ ") in self.fonts: self.preview_font.configure(family=family) def change_font_size(self, event=None): """Update font preview size.""" size = int(self.var_size.get()) self.preview_font.configure(size=size) def validate_font_size(self, d, ch, V): """Validation of the size entry content.""" l = [i for i in self.sizes if i[:len(ch)] == ch] i = None if l: i = self.sizes.index(l[0]) elif ch.isdigit(): sizes = list(self.sizes) sizes.append(ch) sizes.sort(key=lambda x: int(x)) i = min(sizes.index(ch), len(self.sizes)) if i is not None: self.list_size.selection_clear(0, "end") self.list_size.selection_set(i) deb = self.list_size.nearest(0) fin = self.list_size.nearest(self.list_size.winfo_height()) if V != "forced": if i < deb or i > fin: self.list_size.see(i) return True if d == '1': return ch.isdigit() else: return True def tab(self, event): """Move at the end of selected text on tab press.""" self.entry_family = event.widget self.entry_family.selection_clear() self.entry_family.icursor("end") return "break" def validate_font_family(self, action, modif, pos, prev_txt, V): """Completion of the text in the entry with existing font names.""" if self.entry_family.selection_present(): sel = self.entry_family.selection_get() txt = prev_txt.replace(sel, '') else: txt = prev_txt if action == "0": txt = txt[:int(pos)] + txt[int(pos) + 1:] return True else: txt = txt[:int(pos)] + modif + txt[int(pos):] ch = txt.replace(" ", "\ ") l = [i for i in self.fonts if i[:len(ch)] == ch] if l: i = self.fonts.index(l[0]) self.list_family.selection_clear(0, "end") self.list_family.selection_set(i) deb = self.list_family.nearest(0) fin = self.list_family.nearest(self.list_family.winfo_height()) index = self.entry_family.index("insert") self.entry_family.delete(0, "end") self.entry_family.insert(0, l[0].replace("\ ", " ")) self.entry_family.selection_range(index + 1, "end") self.entry_family.icursor(index + 1) if V != "forced": if i < deb or i > fin: self.list_family.see(i) return True else: return False def update_entry_family(self, event=None): """Update family entry when an item is selected in the family listbox.""" # family = self.list_family.get("@%i,%i" % (event.x , event.y)) family = self.list_family.get(self.list_family.curselection()[0]) self.entry_family.delete(0, "end") self.entry_family.insert(0, family) self.entry_family.selection_clear() self.entry_family.icursor("end") self.change_font_family() def update_entry_size(self, event): """Update size entry when an item is selected in the size listbox.""" # size = self.list_size.get("@%i,%i" % (event.x , event.y)) size = self.list_size.get(self.list_size.curselection()[0]) self.var_size.set(size) self.change_font_size()
[docs] def ok(self): """Validate choice.""" self.res = self.preview_font.actual() self.quit()
[docs] def get_res(self): """Return chosen font.""" return self.res
def quit(self): self.destroy()
[docs]def askfont(master=None, text="Abcd", title="Font Chooser", **font_args): """ Open the font chooser and return a dictionary of the font properties. General Arguments: master : Tk or Toplevel instance master window text : str sample text to be displayed in the font chooser title : str dialog title Font arguments: family : str font family size : int font size slant : str "roman" or "italic" weight : str "normal" or "bold" underline : bool whether the text is underlined overstrike : bool whether the text is overstriked Output: dictionary is similar to the one returned by the ``actual`` method of a tkinter ``Font`` object: :: {'family': str, 'size': int, 'weight': 'bold'/'normal', 'slant': 'italic'/'roman', 'underline': bool, 'overstrike': bool} """ chooser = FontChooser(master, font_args, text, title) chooser.wait_window(chooser) return chooser.get_res()
if __name__ == "__main__": """Example.""" try: from tkinter import Tk except ImportError: from Tkinter import Tk from sys import platform root = Tk() style = Style(root) if "win" == platform[:3]: style.theme_use('vista') elif "darwin" in platform: style.theme_use('clam') else: style.theme_use('clam') bg = style.lookup("TLabel", "background") root.configure(bg=bg) label = Label(root, text='Chosen font: ') label.pack(padx=10, pady=(10, 4)) def callback(): font = askfont(root, title="Choose a font") if font: # spaces in the family name need to be escaped font['family'] = font['family'].replace(' ', '\ ') font_str = "%(family)s %(size)i %(weight)s %(slant)s" % font if font['underline']: font_str += ' underline' if font['overstrike']: font_str += ' overstrike' label.configure(font=font_str, text='Chosen font: ' + font_str.replace('\ ', ' ')) Button(root, text='Font Chooser', command=callback).pack(padx=10, pady=(4, 10)) root.mainloop()